Friday, April 12, 2013

Putting Things In Motion

I recently wrote about the possibilty of an induction with Rosalie. With my first two pregnancies, I went overdue but they came on their own. My third, I was induced. That delivery I believe I was the most calm. I was already at the hospital and as things progressed, I was able to get my epidural quickly. (This girl is a bit of a baby when it comes to pain!) Anyways, Chris and I both feel that being induced this time around is a better option for us so we can feel like we are more in control of the labor. We want the children and our family and friends to be able to be in the waiting room and to see Rosalie as soon as possible. I spoke with my OB yesterday and she said that we could induce anytime now. She went on to say that she was going to be at the hospital on Wednesday, April 17th and we could schedule it for then. That day just so happens to be our 9 year wedding anniversary. Not two years ago we had a tornado hit our house right at our anniversary. We didn't know it, but "for better or worse" has been taken quite literally in our marriage. I am so thankful to have been married to my best friend and my helpmate for the past nine years. And it looks like we will be enduring another trial on this anniversary as well. I wouldn't want to do this with anyone else though. At hearing that Wednesday was the day, I wanted to cry...I DID cry. Who wants to go through something like that on their special day? But Chris reminded me.. "Honey, we are going to be celebrating that day for a long time...let's celebrate her life that day too." Yes. Yes, we will. Although we don't know what Wednesday will bring in terms of Rosalie and how strong she is; how long God will give us with her; yes, we will celebrate her. Celebrate that our marriage of 9 years has brought us to this point.

So, I told the OB that I would think about it overnight and call and schedule it next day. Well, today has had it's twists and turns. :/ I called the nurse to put things in motion, get things scheduled, so I would know what to tell my parents and friends. The nurse returned my call and I was told that Wednesday, the one day, that the one doctor I wanted to deliver her, was all booked up. Seriously? I just sat there and cried on the phone to that poor nurse. She continued to tell me that they were still striving to get me in the schedule for Wednesday but to get me a space at all, I was going to have to take the morning slot on Thursday...with a different doctor. :/ It's no secret that things just haven't gone "our way" this pregnancy. I was under the impression that if I at least chose to be induced that I would have some control of this. God has a sense of humor. If I'm having to learn a lesson here, it's "Let go and let God." Do I want a certain doctor? Yes! Do I want to know what's ahead of me? Yes! But it looks like we are still "waiting." The nurse was very sweet and understanding and said that she was going to try everything she could to get me in there on Wednesday. Apparently, there are mommies scheduled for induction that day that might possibly go into labor over the weekend, or Monday/Tuesday, and I can get their slot. See? Another waiting game. :/

Rosalie's blankets and clothes are all washed and folded and put away in hopes of bringing her home with us next weekend. Please pray for us as it's all happening so fast now and we are under quite a bit of pressure (self-induced) to get the house ready for her arriva. Thank you again for caring about us and loving us through this all.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Phillipians 4:13


  1. Prayyyying for you!!!

  2. Just saw this on Facebook from Nora Rose's mommy. Praying for your family and your sweet Rosalie.

  3. You guys have been in my thoughts since this post. Hope you are all doing okay.
