Well, here we are. Two more weeks to go. I've definitley cried a lot more lately. Our appointment this week went as expected. I was lucky to see one of my favorite doctors in our practice, so that always puts me at ease and gives me the freedom to express how I'm feeling a little more. Some doctors are more compassionate than others, that's just the way it is. And with our situtation, we really need that. I seemed to have more questions this week as opposed to others, simply because the hour glass is running out on this pregnancy and I need to know what options are available to us. For example, if Rosalie survives the birthing process, what then? Does she go straight to NICU? Do we just hold her waiting to see what will happen? Will a pediatric cardiologist be readily available since she has AVSD? Say that Rosalie does well enough and we get to come home with our little miracle; what equiptment do I need? Is this covered by insurance? Fast forward a few days to the newborn check up with the pediatrician....will he look at my baby like any regular healthy baby? Or is she to be classified as a t-18 baby and incompatible with life? Given mediocre care because of her lack of future? I want Rosalie to be given a chance. Every patient, every child, every baby with a t-18 diagnosis is different. I pray that all the doctors we have seen over these months will help to give my baby girl a fighting chance. Obviously, we don't want Rosie to suffer. We don't want her on life support or anything like that. If God wants her with us, He will make it clear and we are praying, provide us with the wisdom to make these tough decisions. We did talk with our OB about doing an induction. We feel we might have more control over the labor and we really want family and friends to be able to be there to meet her. An induction will allow our kids to be in the waiting room and to see their sister as quickly as possible. If all we have with her is 15 minutes, we need to make the most of it and I don't want them to to miss it. As of late last week, we told the kids about Rosalie's diagnosis. It was one of the hardest things we have had to endure so far. Hearing your daughter break down into uncontrollable sobs saying "I want my little sister!" is heart wrenching. We all cried for a good while, explained that things happen and we don't know why sometimes but that God loves Roaslie and He loves her so much he might want her in heaven with Him sooner than we imagined. Since telling them the news, they have been, well, children. They don't take time to dwell on things like we adults do. Oh to be young. :/ So, here we are. The neonatologist is supposed to contact us soon so we can ask all our questions again about the "if's" of bringing Rosie home. We are also waiting on my OB to converse with our maternal/fetal specialist to see if he thinks we should induce closer to 39 weeks or closer to 40. I'm praying we have things more set in motion by my appointment next week. As always, I would ask for your prayers as Chris and I try and navigate these waters that are so uncharted for us. For anyone, really. But His love never fails us, right? Continue to keep us in your prayers please.
We love you! So many prayers for you and little Rosalie and Chris and the kids!